Sun Moon Soul in vadodara

Sun Moon Soul

Sun Moon Soul In vadodara

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Sun Moon Soul
About us


Sun Moon Soul is the source of Abundance. Sun Moon Soul is the holistic healing centre at Vadodara, Gujarat. Sun Moon Soul is working just like a clinic. Here we are not working on your physical body but on the “Energies”.

Whatever the problems you are facing in your life at present like physical health issue or financial issue or relationship issue or study related issue it is just a results of your “Energies”. Your future is also a reflection of your present energies.

So whatever you want in life you have to create it at energy level. This concept is working beyond you self belief system and sub conscious mind. People are doing visualization and trying to manifest their desires but they do not get it because they do not have “Energies”

Sun Moon Soul helps you to get service and guidance in your life. Also we organize many workshops where you can learn many subjects on the “Energies”. You can be able to balance your life by this concept.

About Vipul Joshi

Vipul Joshi is the 40 year old male from Vadodara, Gujarat. In early age, he started his professional career in home décor and interior designing consultancy. Many residential projects have been created by him since the year 2006 to till date.

Vipul Joshi is also having some curiosity and diversions towards a different subject. In the year 2007 he started to work on mind power and subconscious mind programming. In the year 2009 he went for Vipassana first time. So somewhere he is having a diversion on the path of spirituality and truth of human life.

In the year 2012, he realized that costly interiors and luxury finish cannot invite peace, love or satisfaction in human life. He started to find some science by doing experiments in own life. He started to understand the concept of “Vaastu”. After details study, he again realized that in apartments or in big townships many units are having same planning mean they have the same structural Vaastu but their life is not the same. So where is the problem or missing components of human life?

So after 2013, he started to search the truth for human life to get freedom from all the problems. He travelled a lot; meet masters of various subjects who are working on the energies and spirituality. He started working on both fields like home décor and energy. He develops a unique concept called “Energy Interiors”. Whatever the problem you are facing in your life, your space (home/office) has all the power to balance your life.

At the end of 2018, Vipul Joshi started a holistic healing centre at Vadodara, Gujarat. This centre is working as a clinic only. Here all the work has been done on “Energies” only.


Vaastu Consultant
Alternative Medicine
Mantra Healing
Reiki Healing
Relationship Healing
Horoscope Healing
Theta Healing
Energy Analysis
Lama Fera
Lecher Antenna Training
Bach Flower Remedies
Tarot Card Reading
Tarot Card Teaching
Chakra Balancing
Marital Affair / Divorce Healing
Weight Loss and Sugar Control
DNA activation and Healing
Addiction Removal
Access Consciousness Bars
Mudra Therapy and Healing
5 senses Healing
Violet Flame Healing

Other Links
    257, Aristo, Opp. Sanghani Skyz,Near Navrachanauniversity, vadodara, 391410
Hours of Operation ( View All )
Today:10.00 AM - 06.00 PM
Monday: 10.00 AM - 06.00 PM
Tuesday: 10.00 AM - 06.00 PM
Wednesday: 10.00 AM - 06.00 PM
Thursday: 10.00 AM - 06.00 PM
Friday: 10.00 AM - 06.00 PM
Saturday: 10.00 AM - 06.00 PM
Sunday: Closed

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